I'll be direct here, Forgehub pisses me off. Its not a matter of my own works not getting the recognition they deserve, its the recognition that unplayable garbage gets. Aside from a couple small circles of select individuals, the general populace does not understand design theory or gameplay and how they corespond with maps. Generally, any map that is put up for some sort of poll based competition gets voted on based on aesthetics rather than gameplay. Most members will download and never play the maps they support, and if they ever do they ignore the screen lag. Inferior playing maps continually beat out fine tuned competitive ones.
And of course there's the issue with the "circle jerking in crowd". These would be the older members who have established themselves. Its a rather large group, most of which are mods or guardians of some sort. Many of them design and build some fairly solid maps on occasion, but for the most part their work is mediocre. Understanding of the spawn system is nil, and dedication to perfecting spawns is noticeable absent. Many maps are still plauged by hard cover as well. However, because of the name of some forgers, many of these maps get selected for Features and such.
Then of course you have the unjustafiably high DL counts on maps. Seriously, why would several thousand download a piece of shit? It makes no sense to me.
At the moment my map Perseverance is in the running for the Forgehub Favorites III Contest. Originally there were only supposed to be 5 maps in it, but the "circle jerkers" threw in two maps by their friends at the last minute. The maps all generally suffer from extreme screen lag or poor gameplay, aside for of course Perseverance and Trackball (a minigame). In the end I'm suspecting my map to loose to something shitty. Namely Crystal Summit Observatory, which would be a worst case scenario has it is UNPLAYABLE due to its excessive screen lag.
If some piece of garbage wins, it only shows what kinds of morons the place is composed of.
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