Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reachning Perfection

Just joined the amazing community recently and felt the need to link back to it.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Triumvirate Part Two

Long ago three great men joined together to rule an empire... It ended in bloodshed...

FFA Slayer
Team Slayer
Team Oddball
FFA Oddball
Multi Team

DMR x6 (10s)
Needle Rifle x3 (60s)
Plasma Pistol x3 (90s)
Magnum x3 (60s)
Plasma Grenades x6
Frag Grenades x6

Screen Shots:

Triumvirate is a three way symmetrical map where instead of one side being mirrored by another, one is mirrored by two others. This map features a red and blue base as well as a neutral base. Aside from the three bases there is a central tower with a lift that connects the bottom to the top, as well as a series of bridges connectiong the top and middle platforms to the outer ring. The suble elevation changes of the central bridges break line of site and provide substantial covers for players across the map. This map has numerous jump ups and sprint jumps that or optional routes or shortcuts to connect the various areas together and create outflanking opportunities.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


My latest WIP is a three base symmetrical arena on a circular map. All three bases are exactly the same in build, however the nuetral base will house the one power weapon (if any) available on the map.
This map features many subtle elevation changes, jump ups and finely crafted lines of sight. Currently the map is 60% built, and should be completed for tested in the near future.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Aboretum Review

Request Link

-The Wunder

Team Slayer

  • Aesthetics
  • Fast paced game play
  • Interrior "elbow" windows
  • Easy orientation/navigation
  • Spawns that face the direction a player will want to move in upon spawning

  • Extremely small
  • Very linear game play due to few pathway options
  • Top center too easily campable
  • Bumpy flooring
  • Excessive use of hard cover
  • Slight clutter, specifically around the Grenade Launcher spawn
  • Multiple shotgun spawning in close proximity to each other
  • Top center drop down seems "random" is unexpected by players
  • Needler spawn annoying to reach
  • Hefty frame rate drops in glass hall and Concussion Rifle spawn room

While the map is pretty and plays fairly well for a 2v2 game, there is vast room for improvement. The map offers few routes to take and promotes camping in power positions such as top center as well as in the Concussion Rifle spawn room. The flooring is bumpy due to use of "cover" and "window double" pieces, I suggest removing them and reflooring. I also recommend removing the lights and cutting back on glass pieces because of the screen lag the create. If lag still persists, try cutting out the "tin cup" pieces as well.
I would add a third approach to the top center hall way as well as removing the "drop down" in it by the needler. This should help prevent camping and promote more movement.
Possibly remove the shotguns, or at least reduce it to only one on the map with no spare clips. Shotguns are over powered in the close quarters that this map features.


Monday, December 20, 2010


Dedicated to the biggest cunt of the interwebs this week, Sargeant (Loberg) Sarcasm!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cold Snap

Cold Snap is a symetrical reimagining of Chill Out from Halo:CE. It features a multitude of easy to intermediate jump ups, various avenues of approach and a multitude of elevation changes. Cold Snap was further augmented by the seamless blending of elements from The Pit through the inclussion of the red and blue tunnels in the main atrium as well as the "training" platform featured center of the map.

Reaching Forward

This site is for the management of my forge maps, namely the uploading and storage of images for easy transition to the various forge communities around the net.
Since the launch of Forge 2.0 with Halo Reach I have been adamantly in the execution of bringing the maps I envisioned into reality. I've always been fascinated with design theory and game flow and have often sketched different maps I'd love to create, however it wasn't until now that I had the tools at my disposal to pursue this in a time efficient manner.
That is not to say that I rush any map that I create of course. Every project I undertake is a massive investment of time and labor from me. From start to finish (first release), I'll invest anywhere between 50 to 100 hours building and fine tuning the map in all aspects. I especially strive for a perfection in regards to the spawn systems of each map as this is one of the most vital aspects that affect game play.
I forge for game play. Period. Although this is not meant to mislead you into believing that I will release a map thats a "box of gray". No. Color and aesthetics are vital to a map all the same, however, they are intended specifically to interrupt line of site or enhance a players orientation within the map.

There are many more maps to come.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Uh oh!

Was buzzing my hair off and hit a spot of trouble.... The razer died. Here's how far I managed. :O

Thursday, December 9, 2010

On Forgehub

I'll be direct here, Forgehub pisses me off. Its not a matter of my own works not getting the recognition they deserve, its the recognition that unplayable garbage gets. Aside from a couple small circles of select individuals, the general populace does not understand design theory or gameplay and how they corespond with maps. Generally, any map that is put up for some sort of poll based competition gets voted on based on aesthetics rather than gameplay. Most members will download and never play the maps they support, and if they ever do they ignore the screen lag. Inferior playing maps continually beat out fine tuned competitive ones.
And of course there's the issue with the "circle jerking in crowd". These would be the older members who have established themselves. Its a rather large group, most of which are mods or guardians of some sort. Many of them design and build some fairly solid maps on occasion, but for the most part their work is mediocre. Understanding of the spawn system is nil, and dedication to perfecting spawns is noticeable absent. Many maps are still plauged by hard cover as well. However, because of the name of some forgers, many of these maps get selected for Features and such.
Then of course you have the unjustafiably high DL counts on maps. Seriously, why would several thousand download a piece of shit? It makes no sense to me.

At the moment my map Perseverance is in the running for the Forgehub Favorites III Contest. Originally there were only supposed to be 5 maps in it, but the "circle jerkers" threw in two maps by their friends at the last minute. The maps all generally suffer from extreme screen lag or poor gameplay, aside for of course Perseverance and Trackball (a minigame). In the end I'm suspecting my map to loose to something shitty. Namely Crystal Summit Observatory, which would be a worst case scenario has it is UNPLAYABLE due to its excessive screen lag.
If some piece of garbage wins, it only shows what kinds of morons the place is composed of.